本文共 13257 字,大约阅读时间需要 44 分钟。
EXTJSIV-4768 Layout Managers - Border Layout: "Center" layout and "Splitter above me" layouts are overlapping when clicking three times on "Add Region" button. EXTJSIV-5129 Button does not adhere to width setting in IE9 Charts EXTJSIV-5007 Save button in chart examples should display popup panel to confirm save and then save image. EXTJSIV-5024 Charts: Themed Line Charts: Wrong information shown on mouse hover in simple styling chart EXTJSIV-5074 Hiding item in Column/Bar chart legend makes legend items disappear EXTJSIV-5108 can't create label for type area series Core EXTJSIV-3710 LoadMask is broken in sandbox build EXTJSIV-4942 Element#tgetWidth() returns an incorrect result for naturally widthed absolutely positioned elements in some cases. Data EXTJSIV-3316 Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature cannot restore state EXTJSIV-3547 Ext.data.TreeStore fires no "insert", "remove", "update" event. EXTJSIV-4319 Use a parameter other than 'id' for server calls EXTJSIV-4335 Duplicate records when calling sync() on a autoSync store EXTJSIV-4372 Grid Filtering Example: Bug with database return packet Documentation EXTJSIV-4296 Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch Docs examples fail on Chromebook, can't use Example viewer, ReferenceError: Ext is not defined EXTJSIV-5148 Ext.selection.Model documentation bug Examples EXTJSIV-1146 Editor Grid Example: Clicking from Common Name in an editor to Light doesn't invoke an editor EXTJSIV-4547 The Kitchen Sink example doesn't work properly on non-webkit browsers EXTJSIV-4937 Combination Examples : Desktop : Notepad isplaying errors in error console upon double clicking on empty space in the note pad. Forms EXTJSIV-2081 Issue with "Bullet list" in the form widget editor EXTJSIV-2425 HTMLEditor corrupted when changing background color of selection EXTJSIV-2436 dynamic form_field alignment issues on ie6/7 EXTJSIV-4831 Text fields with natural width are sometimes too narrow. Grid EXTJSIV-3632 Grid performance in IE with large number of columns EXTJSIV-5003 Locked Grid Columns + Cell Editor + Tab = JS Error Layouts EXTJSIV-3704 Ext.layout.container.Box: wrong children margins if using CSS rules EXTJSIV-4483 Invalidating a layout must restore original size models for children EXTJSIV-4655 BorderLayout region z-index too low when expanding/floating Misc EXTJSIV-3932 dom.style.setExpression not implemented in IE8 EXTJSIV-4091 Grid filters: initial value can be set, but it is not applied EXTJSIV-4397 Drag Drop Manager doesn't select correct drop target EXTJSIV-4421 x-tab-top-over never inserted into any element EXTJSIV-4545 Kitchen Sink - Basic Tabs : By default tab headers are not displaying in Basic tabs. EXTJSIV-4555 Loading the Finnish locale file will crash an application using Ext.util.Format.date EXTJSIV-4563 Row Editing throwing error when used with locked columns in grid EXTJSIV-457 DataView with multiSelect and drag-drop has bugs in selection EXTJSIV-4844 Ext.data.Store -> autoDestroy config is missing EXTJSIV-4873 Errors with add method in a container EXTJSIV-4902 Text fields sometimes appear too narrow. EXTJSIV-4951 ToolBars and Menus: Basic Tool Bar - All States are not displaying in the combo box once the state is selected in the "Button w/ Menu" through key board . EXTJSIV-4953 Localization(dynamic) - Displaying JS error upon selecting "Hebrew" from the Language selector. EXTJSIV-4954 Store Grouping Not Cleared Properly EXTJSIV-4955 Checkboxgroups W/ More Columns Than Checkboxes Throws JS Error EXTJSIV-4956 Creating A Checkbox Group /w Hidden Field Throws JS Error EXTJSIV-5000 Problems with DOM Id containing colon and DomeQuery.jsSelect with CSS escape notation EXTJSIV-5075 NodeInterface "deep" copy only copies a single level EXTJSIV-5103 Bug with Implicit Model / Store / MixedCollection / Proxy EXTJSIV-5125 FiltersFeature - Updating column header class when using a column group EXTJSIV-5130 [4.1.0 Beta-1] Neptune theme missing resources EXTJSIV-5154 RenderTo fails in 4.1 - Beta 1 Tabs EXTJSIV-3625 TabPanel: defaults: closable true not configurable EXTJSIV-3719 The icon in tab is not centered vertically EXTJSIV-4178 Positioning problem when using TabPanel and a custom stylesheet Theme EXTJSIV-3712 4.0.5 tabpanel shows blue strip in header in IE Tree EXTJSIV-4234 Overflow arrow not shown with container resize, overflow enabled and scale set to large EXTJSIV-4243 Synchronous loading fails if async loading of same class is on going EXTJSIV-4815 Trees -> Drag and Drop reordering: After clicking on 'Expand All' and 'Collapse All' tree is not behaving as expected. Window EXTJSIV-5122 Window header heights are sometimes incorrect Bugs Fixed Button EXTJSIV-5066 Miscellaneous: Buttons: Disable buttons are click able Charts EXTJSIV-5015 Issue in FormDashboard, default color is wrong for radar chart points EXTJSIV-5113 Regression in Draw strict and quirks tests for almost all browsers. Core EXTJSIV-4882 Invalid DOM id's can cause exceptions EXTJSIV-5018 Ext.Number.snap does not take minValue into account EXTJSIV-5084 Not allowed access to stylesheets when using file:// protocol DataView EXTJSIV-5045 Data View :Animated Data View : Sliders and panel headers are disappearing after moving the sliders couple of times Documentation EXTJSIV-3046 Field setValue() firing change event EXTJSIV-4889 Overview guide is missing from 4.1 Beta 1 Draw EXTJSIV-5044 Drawing - Rotate Text : Displaying JS error upon clicking on slider bar Examples EXTJSIV-4861 Need to create Upgrade Overview off of examples/index.html EXTJSIV-4916 Combination Examples:Web desktop: Masking on the page is not removed after clicking on yes/No button in the pop-up dialog. EXTJSIV-4925 Combination Examples : Web desktop isplaying errors in error console upon clicking on "Accordion window" on the desktop. EXTJSIV-4982 We need to link calendar to our main examples page EXTJSIV-5026 Combination Examples : Ext JS Calendar : UI issues in "Ext JS Calendar" example EXTJSIV-5094 Feed viewer - Combination examples : Displaying JS error upon clicking on tabs. EXTJSIV-5095 Combination Examples : Web desktop : Features in the note pad are not applying for the selected text. Forms EXTJSIV-4241 The behavior of the stripCharsRe attribute in fields is wrongly documented (or is wrong) EXTJSIV-4879 Forms - Contact Us Form : UI is disturbed for "Contact Us" form EXTJSIV-4948 Forms - MultiSelect and ItemSelector : UI of "ItemSelector Test" form is disturbed when clicked on "Clear" button EXTJSIV-4970 Field CSS position change can break customized fields EXTJSIV-5116 Forms: Checkbox/Radio Groups: Displaying js error on loading Grid EXTJSIV-4647 Cell Editing with Summary Feature error on View refresh EXTJSIV-4837 Grids: Grouped Header Grid - Extra space is created while drag and drop nested columns within the category header EXTJSIV-4881 Grids - Basic Array Grid - Displaying JS error when refreshing the page after swapping the columns EXTJSIV-4929 Grids - Grouping with Remote Summary : "Sponsored Projects" window is keep on loading and not displaying the data EXTJSIV-4939 Grids - Grouped Header Grid : "Last Updated" column is not displayed when drag and dropped under the "Stock Price" group EXTJSIV-4995 Grids - Infinite Grid : Data inside the grid is not displayed when vertical scroll bar is pull down EXTJSIV-5022 Grid headerCt border-bottom-color should be #c5c5c5 EXTJSIV-5038 RowNumberer column header has no right border EXTJSIV-5065 GridCellEditing: Hide 'Common Name' column and tapping on 'Add Plant' button shows text field as expanded EXTJSIV-5091 TableView should not update its layout upon refresh if infinite scrolling is being used. EXTJSIV-5141 Buffered scrolling omits last row in prefetch buffer Layouts EXTJSIV-3697 Failed test: Verify Center Layout Page EXTJSIV-4665 For an accordion layout in IE, the Tab key will hide the next sibling's header EXTJSIV-4830 Cannot select radio button EXTJSIV-4851 Layout Managers - Border Layout : Displaying js error when clicked on "North 2" layout header EXTJSIV-4996 Layout Managers - Layout Browser : "Navigation" and "Footer" layouts are overlapping when clicked on "Footer" layout title bar EXTJSIV-5089 Docked right components are incorrectly sized in IE6 Menu EXTJSIV-4867 Ext.menu.Menu -> inside a container Misc EXTJSIV-4407 [4.0.7] Tab font variable never honoured EXTJSIV-4685 Combination Example-Theme Viewer isplaying JS error upon clicking on "Toggle Enabled" button in the Form Widget. EXTJSIV-4749 [4.0.7] not possible to hide a column series in a chart with the hideAll()-method EXTJSIV-4801 Row Editor breaking in 4.1 with a grouped header, and a store not initially populated EXTJSIV-4862 We need to remove jira.html from our knightly zip EXTJSIV-4871 Error with Ext.util.Animate EXTJSIV-4874 Ext.draw (Ext.create) ExtJS 4.0.7/ 4.1(Win7) EXTJSIV-4885 [4.1B1] Unused variable EXTJSIV-4886 [4.1 B1] Button broken when handleMouseEvents is false EXTJSIV-4887 Ext.Date and Ext.Number undefined on code passed to functionFactory() (sandbox) EXTJSIV-4888 CSS doesn't get minified in 4.1 beta 1 EXTJSIV-4891 Visual Diff: Panel padding-top appears to be ignored EXTJSIV-4894 Visual Diff: Buttons too wide EXTJSIV-4895 Visual Diff: Window Shadows completely missing EXTJSIV-4898 Visual Diff: Windows mis-sized, broken headers EXTJSIV-4899 Visual Diff: Accordion borders all wrong EXTJSIV-4900 Visual Diff: Themes example has a big border all around it EXTJSIV-4901 Visual Diff: Header too tall, tools mispositioned EXTJSIV-4905 Visual Diff: Missing grid top border EXTJSIV-4907 Visual Diff: Panel header icon mispositioned EXTJSIV-4908 Visual Diff: Missing group header text background color EXTJSIV-4910 On Beta 1: JS error "el is null" when ACTUAL_BU is set to "K" EXTJSIV-4911 Resizers on TextFields do not work in 4.1 Beta EXTJSIV-4912 panel body size must not add borders twice EXTJSIV-4915 Drawing : Browser Logs - The Logos(Safari,Sencha,Tiger) are not displaying as expected. EXTJSIV-4919 Toolbar overflow scroller not working on a defined component EXTJSIV-4924 examples/calendar -- TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object EXTJSIV-4934 If paramsAsHash is true, but an Ext.direct load function takes no arguments, fail EXTJSIV-4946 4.1: Form/Field isDirty() shows false if field has no original value EXTJSIV-4949 Multiple Grid Instances with dockedItems EXTJSIV-4950 slideOut Callback Called Too Soon EXTJSIV-4960 [4.1 B1] Accordion layout - bad inline example EXTJSIV-4964 [4.1 B1] CSS.createStyleSheet() error EXTJSIV-4965 Grids: Grid Filters - The filter symbols(<,> ,=) are not properly displayed EXTJSIV-4967 Is there a quick way to fasten tooltip on the top of floating window EXTJSIV-4973 Component isVisible does not work if the component is not rendered. EXTJSIV-4974 Ext.data.treeStore.removeAll is an unsafe method EXTJSIV-4977 Miscellaneous : Resizable - The re-size handler is not displaying properly. EXTJSIV-4984 Panel headers height in spotlight example is 2px off EXTJSIV-4988 The Save button in charts should download an image (and show a popup for this) EXTJSIV-4998 Chart: Pie slices does not show when values are small EXTJSIV-5020 Panel height calculated too tall EXTJSIV-5021 Property grid row height too small EXTJSIV-5036 Fidelity: error when trying to save and update values on a form EXTJSIV-5037 [4.1] Opened windows disappear when switching between tab panels EXTJSIV-5050 Typo in src/data/Store.js EXTJSIV-5052 rsync: link_stat "extjs/overview/." failed: No such file or directory EXTJSIV-5070 TextField height Property Change EXTJSIV-5073 disabled menuitem invoke menu - click-event EXTJSIV-5077 [4.1-B1] Combo Box disappearing incorrectly EXTJSIV-5107 [4.1] Nested fieldset not submitting it's checkbox EXTJSIV-5145 Combination Examples : Ext JS Calendar - Displaying js error while drag and drop the event from header of the hour matrix to hour matrix. Panel EXTJSIV-4701 Panel headers are disconnected from panel body EXTJSIV-4868 Cannot setTitle on collapsed panel in border layout EXTJSIV-4938 Panel collapse/expand animations break natural auto sizing EXTJSIV-4997 Panel header dimensions are way off EXTJSIV-5001 Window header is incorrectly bordered EXTJSIV-5086 Vertical Panel headers have visual problems EXTJSIV-5087 Panel headers on framed panels instantiated with collapsed: true are truncated in old IE EXTJSIV-5114 Initially placeholder-collapsed Panels have z-index:5 EXTJSIV-5120 Collapsed vertical panel headers have tools inserted at the wrong positiong Selection Model EXTJSIV-5040 [Wells Fargo TechnologyKeyboard navigation issue: the down arrow key regardless of whether you are holding down the ctrl key or not triggers a select on the next row Tabs EXTJSIV-4462 Not Verified: loadmask showing on hidden components EXTJSIV-5019 Tab position off when using plain Theme EXTJSIV-5135 Fieldset padding is wrong on IE Toolbars EXTJSIV-4880 Toolbars and Menus - Status Bar : Status bar of "Ext Word Processor" is not shown as browser's vertical scroll bar is moving up while typing any text in text area. EXTJSIV-5147 Toolbars and Menus - Basic Toolbar - Top and Bottom arrows are missing in scrolling menu Window EXTJSIV-5023 Windows: Window Variations: JS error on dragging constrained window转载地址:http://bbbja.baihongyu.com/